Secret Chamber by David Herrerias
"Pity me! Succour me! Let us go to the temple!"
Gustave Flaubert, Salammbo
Publication is imminent for And the Whore is This Temple, the latest anthology from the Mount Abraxas imprint of Ex Occidente Press. This book promises to be the most sublime and audacious edition yet - an extra large volume overflowing with inserts and sacerdotal imagery, and featuring fourteen of the finest literary endeavors that have been published in recent history. Included are stories, litanies, poems and prayers, insufferable blasphemies issued forth from lips stained red with heresy, canticles to Moloch and the blessed Virgin, blueprints of De Civitate Dei, fragments of charred stone from the blasted churches of Antioch, lamentations for the forsaken priests of lost traditions, and seductions for the ancient oracles whose flames have long since died.
John Howard
Another Sea
Alcebiades Diniz Miguel
Tidal Wave of Virginal Blood
Thomas Strømsholt
The Waning of the Light
Avalon Brantley
Corpus: A Mandala of Anathomy and Metaphysiology
Leopold Nacht
The Savants of the House of Exile
Stephen Friedman
The Ophidian Revelation
Thomas Phillips
Picture at an Exhibition
Colin Insole
The Abdication of the Serpent
Rhys Hughes
The Nine Impossible Temples of Chaud-Mellé
Andrew Condous
Saints of a Cataphysical Syncretism
Charles Schneider
The Panopticon Virus
Jonathan Wood
Anima OV Animus
Adam S. Cantwell
The Chamber in the Universe
D.P. Watt
Imperium Sine Fine
The book should be back from the printers by the 20th of August. In the meantime, copies can be reserved with Ziesing Books by emailing More information on this fabulous volume can be found on the Ex Occidente website.