Sunday, October 8, 2023

Night Lamp Lotus

My fourth occult retro-electronic-gaming story, "Night Lamp Lotus (An Attempt at a Strategic Guide)", is included in the lighthouse-themed Eibonvale Press anthology, "At the Lighthouse", which is now available to order in both paperback and hardback. The story is suffused with the aesthetic of the golden age of 16-bit RPG console games. 

"If you unleash the wolves around the confessional booth in Saint Estukio’s Cathedral, timing their deployment to coincide with the setting of the sun, you’ll attract the presence of a disconsolate widow whose confession will make your hair stand on end. Her diabolical misdeeds provide a valuable clue to the location of an ivory mantel clock which, in turn, is instrumental to the infiltration of the night watch. Do this at any other time and you’ll merely agitate the priest." 

Also, I've recently finished my 5th occult retro-electronic-gaming story. It's titled "Magnetic North" and, if all goes according to plan, will be included in a secret project released sometime in 2024. 

Order here: