Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Explosion of a Chandelier

I'm extremely pleased to announce that my new short novel, The Explosion of a Chandelier, is available to order from Occult Press, a new imprint of Snuggly Books specializing in finely printed limited editions of occult fiction and non-fiction. 

The Explosion of a Chandelier is a labyrinthine story of anarchists, bombs, impetuous youth, scandalous rites and extravagant visions, mutinous angels, intricate games, and the ritual seduction of an old hotel, all of which revolve around The House of Amaryllis, a place of gnostic exaltation and luxuriant delirium in the Spain of Alfonso XIII. 

Chapter headings:
The Strangling of the Sentinels
The Explosion of a Chandelier
The House of Amaryllis
The Bomb
The Secret Axis
The Hotel Delicias
Her Majesty The Queen

The book can be ordered in both standard hardcover and leather-bound editions directly from the publisher: